Statement of Inquiry:
Designers must consider the multiple cultural perspectives in
communicating effectively by way of language to suit the need of the
end users
Task: To create a Multi language website
Target Audience: - Grade 7 Students
Introduction: I am a student of French, and have been learning it for almost four years now. The things we have covered in class lessons are colors, numbers, adjectives, compositions, phrases, descriptions, vocabulary, imperfect tense, past tense, present tense and much more.
I am going to be making a website using the website building tool WIX, which will help grade sevens to improve their french vocabulary and their pronunciations, and to in generally improve their French skills. I found out that this work had been divided between two people to do. In class people paired up and divided the topics and activities evenly amongst each other. Since, I have not been attending school I decided to do the topics on my own, using the knowledge I already have from previous lessons of French that I have attended. I decide on the different basic phrases that should be applied to the website, and the different forms they will be presented in such as: videos, pictures, audios, texts. I made sure I had some of all features to show greater understanding of website control, and show my process of learning.
I will make sure to put English translations and lots of images/pictures for a clearer and better understanding, this will also speed up the process of learning, as you learn faster when you have an image or picture to remind you of the word you are trying to learn. I also wanted to make sure my website was colorful, to attract and engage the target audience (Children in grade 7). It is better than a plain old website as the colors will be much more appropriate for this specific target audience (Children in year 7). Audios will be useful for students to learn the correct pronunciation for each word, that is why I have decided to have many audios on my website. On my website I will have many activities and quizzes to test the skills and knowledge the students have learned so far through the website.
*Unfortunately, I was unable to create my own dreamweaver website on "About Me", so I do not have any screenshots of it. Since, I did not learn much about creating dreamweaver websites I was unable to make my own, although I have done a lot of research to keep my self aware and knowledgeable about the topic. I know that dreamweaver is a website/program that allows you to make simple home pages with pictures and different buttons, whether they lead to a different page or a page of a picture. It all depends on what you want to do.
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